Enrique Acevedo award winning journalist representing El Tiempo Latino a publication of Tiempo Co along with Nielsen, Televisa Univision, Futuro Media and International Center of Journalists (ICFJ) showcase the matter during a panel hosted by The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Leadership Summit which is the largest celebration of Latino excellence in the nation the Conference includes twenty-six sessions featuring over two hundred national leaders, elected officials, and influencers with a mission to uplift the next generation of Latino leaders.
“Latinos issues are American issues, it is not a different part of the National identity, it is not a different part of our collective interest. It Is the heart of it.”
According to Pew Research Center Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in US homes, even among non-Hispanics, saying that there is no doubt that representation is not just important for Latinos but for America. Language and cultural approach are key for US Hispanics to get informed and feel represented.
Serving the rapidly growing and economically robust Latino community with reliable information is essential to maintaining a strong democracy and building a fully inclusive society.
As a company Tiempo Co aims to provide its audience with the information they need to make good decisions and to help them feel included and empowered in this country.
The entire United States will benefit from integrating the Latino community more completely into our society and, toward that end, facilitating access to valuable information in Spanish. The goal is to reduce political polarization, narrow the economic gap, motivate entrepreneurship, provide more work opportunities, celebrate a vibrant culture, protect public health and allow everyone to live their lives to the fullest.
Understanding and connecting with Latinos deserves to be a priority for government institutions and companies that seek the attention and dollars of the nation’s largest minority. At El Tiempo Latino, we are proud of our own efforts and seek to encourage continued progress.
President Biden and VP Kamala Harris attended the Summit events to premier Hispanic Heritage Month in Washington D.C.